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Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
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Upgrade the Firmware of Your point and shoot / DSLR camera !

-by Dr Tauseef Omer

You know , the Firmware of the most of the cameras can be UPGRADED ! (firmware=working software in your camera)
This firmware upgrade gives you additional features and/or camera errors are fixed in it. Such firmwares are of two kinds :
--Official(released by the original brand and hence called factory firmware) Official firmware upgrades are announced at the official webpage of your product, and their method of upgradation is also mentioned with the upgrade-file.(like,for instance, the canon DSLR cameras when get their official firmware update may be updated by USB connection to pc and then through EOS utility.. or through SD card).... If you camera is in waranty, then official upgrade DOES NOT void the warranty. Google your camera official page and check for updates.
-- Custom release firmware . These are not official firmware releases & are modded firmwares with added features ,by photographers who own software development skills.  To simplify why custom firmwares may be of value to some one : The camera hardware usually contains too much support for your firmware, but just to create SPECIFCATIONS difference between different products( & hence price diff) the brands dont give all features in one mid-range camera . The custom firmware kind of UNLOCKS those features. Custom firmware may be totally FLASHED to the camera ROM where it 'replaces' the original firmware(so voids your warrranty if cam still has). or it may be put in memory card and when camera is turned on the camera works in OVERRIDE mode where the firmware files are added to the original firmware just for the session when SD card is inside. remove the custom firmware files from SD and your camera firmware is original again(does not void warranty if theres any left).
Custom firmwares unlock your camera's ability to give it maximum hardware support.& many hidden feaatures given. 

Google search if your camera has got an official Firmware Update, or if any Custom Upgrade is available for it, and what are featurees in the UPDATES, do you understand those features?& do you need them?or could you put them to use? If so, go ahead with the upgrade to test ;-)
(One tip before upgrading to custom firmware by flashing method where whole firmware is replaced , just check if the BACK UP of your original camera firmware is available in internet, so that, just in case you dont like custom firmware features, your ready to downgrade back to Original firmware).

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